- 少数民族や山岳民族の保護や生活レベル向上と、持続可能な発展に向けた支援。
- 小規模農民たちに対する食糧増産と収入向上に対する支援と、食料安全保障の向上に向けた種々の取り組みに対する支援。
- 社会の底辺に生きる貧困層や援助を必要とする子供や青年達への教育や人材育成支援。
- 貧しい農村地域や都市のスラムに住む人々の持続可能な収入増加や生活レベル向上への支援。
- 自然資源や未利用食物の持続可能な有効利用(サゴヤシを含む)と環境保全、環境保護事業への支援。
- 緊急を要する人道支援に対する必要な事業。
- 国際交流活動及び国際協力活動を推進する事業。
- 関連する啓蒙活動、調査、イベント、セミナー、講演会等の企画、立案、運営、管理及び実施。
- その他、この法人の目的を達成するための、前各号に附帯関連する事業
GIAPSA (General Incorporated Association for the Promotion of Self-reliance in Asia) is a non-profit making organization registered under the Japanese Government Act , aiming to enhance international collaboration and mutual understanding among people in Asia (and beyond) and to promote self-reliance and sustainable development towards attainment of common global goals and SDGs including the eradication of poverty ,hunger and inequalities, and the promotion of sustainable livelohoods, social protection, natural resource conservation/management, human security, emegency assistnce, and human resource development.
GIAPSA focuses on below 9 specific areas:
- Support indigenous people and hill tribes for the improvement of their income, employment , livelihoods and self-help initiatives,
- Assist poor and small scale farmers for sustainable food production and promotion of income, livelihood and self-reliance. Pprovide support to various food and agricultural interventions for promoting food security and reducing food loss and waste,
- Provide educational support to children and young generations who wish to sutudy and up-grade their knowledge , but do not have adequate financial resources and/or opportunities,
- Assisst poor rual families and urban slum residents for the promotion of sustainable livelihoods and inprovement of living conditions,
- Assist sustainable natural resource conservation and management , and conservation of bio-diversity , including the protection of sago palm and underutilized food sresources and the promotion of their sustainalbe use,
- Assist emergency and humanitarian interventions,
- Assist international collaboration and associated efforts,
- Organize events, research activities, seminars, meetings, conferences, adobocacy and publicity works, etc.
- Other activities which meet the aims and objectives of GIAPSA.